Tragedy in Kharkiv: Russian missile destroys Factor-Print typography.

Attacks on Ukrainian Printing House

On May 23, the Kharkiv printing house «Factor-Druck» was destroyed as a result of a Russian attack. Seven employees of the printing house were killed, and 21 more people were injured. Additionally, 50 thousand books were lost. The publishing house «Vivat» published a list of destroyed works by Ukrainian and foreign authors.

«Factor-Druck» is considered one of the largest full-cycle printing complexes in Europe, where almost all Ukrainian publishers printed their books.

A Russian missile hit the roof of the binding department, destroying unique equipment and the building. The total losses amount to around six million euros.

Statement from President Sergey Polituchiy

«This was a strike against culture — right in the heart of Ukrainian publishing. In that part of culture that essentially shapes the narratives that constitute the national idea and national spirit,» commented the president of the holding company «Factor-Druck» Sergey Polituchiy on the attack on the printing house.