Launch of Free English Courses for Displaced Persons: A Initiative by Goncharenko Center

The Educational-and-Cultural and Volunteer Goncharenko Center

The Educational-and-Cultural and Volunteer Goncharenko Center, in partnership with the State Employment Service, is proud to announce the launch of free English language courses for internally displaced persons in eight cities across Ukraine.

Expanding Opportunities

Our goal is to expand this initiative to all regions of the country and offer online courses in the future, providing even more opportunities for those who have been forced to leave their homes and jobs due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The Need for Support

With 7 million internally displaced persons in Ukraine, comprising 16% of the total population, it is crucial to provide support and resources to help these individuals adapt to their new circumstances.

One of the challenges faced by many displaced persons is the low employment rate, which can be attributed to various factors such as lack of suitable job opportunities, inadequate education, low wages, and employers’ reluctance to hire those who have been displaced.

Additionally, the lack of necessary professional skills and work experience, including proficiency in the English language, further hinders the employment prospects for internally displaced persons.