Is ChatGPT always the best choice?
Analytical company Gartner has presented a new review that questions the necessity of using ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligences (AI) in some cases.
Amid all the hype surrounding GenAI, it is important to consider that these technologies may not always meet your needs. Improper use of GenAI can derail your plans and significantly undermine productivity.
In its recent review, Gartner emphasizes that although generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has quickly established its place among AI methods in business, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution for all cases. The use of GenAI should be based on specific needs and capabilities, which may include other approaches to AI.
Gartner’s recommendations help understand when it is appropriate to use GenAI, when other AI methods should be chosen, and when it is best to combine different technologies to achieve optimal results.